Nutfield Dairy, your local regenerative dairy farm

Our most popular dairy products

We process all the milk our cows produce on site into cheese and yoghurt.

Here at Nutfield Dairy we farm regeneratively. This means we focus on the health of our most important asset, the soil, and how we can manage the farm and cows in a way that improves it.

Matthew Elphick


We are passionate about regenerative, nature friendly farming and the vital role cows play in improving the health of our soil and aiding a health, functioning ecosystem.

Nutfield Dairy is run by Matthew Elphick and Betsie Edge at Brays Farm in South Nutfield, Surrey.

We are tenant farmers here at Brays and the farm is owned by the Countryside Regeneration Trust (CRT).

They are a charity owning over 2000 acres of farm and woodland across England. The CRT promotes nature friendly farming to help reverse the biodiversity decline, improve wildlife habitats, and combat climate change.

If you have any questions about the farm please Contact us

Nestled in the Surrey Weald

Brays Farm is  52 acres and is owned by the Countryside Restoration Trust.

Regenerative farming

We don’t use any synthetic fertilizer or chemical sprays.

Mature cheese

Our cheeses have a semi soft texture and a rich, creamy flavour.

Fresh in-house produce

Selling to local shops and farmers markets, as well as supplying restaurants and pubs.

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